Multi-purpose golden retrievers bred for temperament, health and trainability.

Multi-purpose golden retrievers bred for temperament, health and trainability.

Welcome - thank you for visiting my website. In 1993, the most wonderful thing happened. Keeza came into my life as a 7 week old bundle of red/gold hair (hence my kennel name and its Maori translation in homage to my birthplace) and my world changed forever. He was my first dog, my heart dog and I still miss him every day. I am lucky enough to have frozen semen on this once in a life-time dog and when the time is right, I will have his son at my side, as his father lived his life.

Keeza introduced me to the dog world and what a world it has been - titles to be earned, friends to be made and all with my goldens by my side - what a wonderful life. I am so blessed. Please click on "about us" to learn more about bringing a golden retriever puppy into your home and best of all, into your life.

I recently got this paragraph on a puppy enquiry where I ask "what are your expectations of me as a breeder" This particular home's reply was perfect - it is me to a "T". " That you get them off to a great start in life to become healthy, happy, well-adjusted dogs. That you are transparent with us about challenges you might foresee with our pup. That you remain available if we feel we need to contact you about possible genetic conditions that might arise. That you continue to take an active interest in knowing that your pups are in good homes.

Ivy is having puppies

Contact me to register your interest.

Colorbook's Perfect Fit At Goldspirit


Colorbook's Perfect Fit At Goldspirit

Redgold’s God Gave Me You


We absolutely love our sweet Cedar from Redgold. We were very open with Christine about temperament and our lifestyle and how a puppy would fit and Christine worked her magic and our beautiful pup is a perfect fit for our family. Redgold also follows all breed standards and certification and that brings so much peace of mind knowing that our dog will have the best possible health and everything has been checked over. We absolutely love our puppy. Oh also! I didn’t mention that we also had a beautiful dog from Redgold almost 20 years ago. Redgold has the years of experience, expertise and love that every puppy needs to have a great start in life. Thank you Christine!

Jennifer Wiebe
Christine holding a Golden Retriever puppy